Requested Member Contributions: All regular orchestra members are expected to contribute $150 each semester, due in September and January. You can pay by check or online on the Membership Contributions Page.
Rehearsal Refreshments: Refreshments during break are a fun way to socialize with fellow musicians and to enjoy the respite. Refreshments can be simple. Nobody needs to do this more than twice per year. You’ll receive a sign-up poll, or talk to Karl Sevareid (bass).
Program Ads: We encourage members to solicit local businesses to place ads in our concert programs. Members can also place ads in honor of a loved one. See the details.
Get The Word Out: Most of our audience knows an orchestra member, but we also strongly encourage the general public to attend. To grow our audience, we use attractive flyers and postcards before each concert. Send these to anyone you think might be interested in attending our concerts, and post flyers at businesses and workplaces.
Corporate Matching of Donations: Some members work for companies that match charitable donations and/or volunteer hours. Our Orchestra is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Check your employer’s benefits. For examples of how other members have successfully applied for such matches, contact John Gilbert (timpani).
Share Your Ideas: We strive to increase the size of our string section, the size of our audience, the quality of our performances, and our recognition in the community. Our own members are our most effective promoters and recruiters. Share your ideas with a Board Member. Volunteer to participate in outreach activities. Talk to Eric about potential new string players.